Frequently Asked Questions
Why are copies of beneficiaries’ driver’s license sometimes requested?
Insurance companies may question a person’s name or suffix, or their signature may be called into question. By having a copy of the driver’s license, the insurance company can easily verify that information.
Our assignment was verified for a lower amount than the policy is worth. Why is that?
There could be several reasons, but the most common are that the premiums on the policy are past due or a loan was taken out on the policy that has not been repaid.
The deceased did not list a beneficiary on their policy. How is this handled by the insurance company?
If no beneficiary was listed, the benefit will go to the deceased’s estate or trust. Typically, these types of claims require more paperwork and take longer to process.
Does it matter if your forms are signed in black or blue ink?
While both are acceptable, when forms are signed in black ink it can be hard for an insurance company to verify that a form is an original, which can lead them to asking the family to sign again. Blue ink is harder to reproduce and easier to spot on paper.
The beneficiary on a policy is the deceased’s ex-spouse. Can they still collect benefits?
Divorce can be problematic when it comes to insurance policies. Some states provide that divorce automatically revokes the beneficiary designation but others do not. It is best to check with us on a case by case basis.